Thursday, May 5, 2011

chapter 4

The rest of the school year passes slow for me. I feel that the stuff I have to learn in school moves way to slow and leaves me frustrated in class. After school one day, I passed the Radley's place and saw tinfoil sticking out of the knot holes on one of  Radley's oak trees. I sat for a few minutes and wondered what it was. I finally decided to go see what was in the oak tree. I found two pieces of chewing gum and decided to take it for myself. When I got home I told Jem about it and he started panicking.

On the last day of school, I heard that they found two indian headed pennies hidden in the knot hole on the oak tree.  Its summer time now and Dill returns to Maycomb. Jem, Dill and I began our games again. However, one of the first things they do is roll one another inside a tire. As the summer passes, our games become more complicated. Our father asks us if our games have anthing to do with the Radley's. Jem lies and says no. Then we wonder if it's safe to play our games anymmore.

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